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관리자 2017-06-23 18:16:32


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Papules, arthralgia, dry mouth and dry eyes: a quiz. Diagnosis: Multicentric reticulohistocytosis.

-Acta Derm Venereol. 2013 Jan;93(1):124-5

Longitudinal erythronychia with subungual keratosis: a daughter subungual nail.

-Clin Exp Dermatol. 2012 Dec;37(8):917-9

A survey of the awareness, knowledge and behavior of hair dye use in a korean population with gray hair.

-Ann Dermatol. 2012 Aug;24(3):274-9

Punctate leucoderma after low-fluence 1,064-nm quality-switched neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser therapy successfully managed using a 308-nm excimer laser.

-Dermatol Surg. 2012 May;38(5):821-3

Hybrid cyst on the sole.

-J Dermatol. 2012 Feb;39(2):207-9

Short anagen syndrome successfully controlled with topical minoxidil and systemic cyclosporine A combination therapy.

-J Dermatol. 2011 Nov;38(11):1108-10

Multiple granulocytic sarcomas in a patient with longstanding complete remission of acute myelogenous leukemia.

Ann Dermatol. 2011 Oct;23(Suppl 2):S270-3

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